

HELLO packet received with an IP source address that clashes with the address of an existing neighbor (on a different interface). HELLO packet dropped.


Check configuration of routers. If this does not solve problem, contact support with details of the problem.



Message Text

%p1% %p2% Received Hello packet dropped because source IP address clashes with existing neighbor. Diagnostic information for support: Existing neighbor's router ID = %p3% IF index of receiving interface = %p4% IP address of receiving interface = %p5% Network mask of receiving interface = %p6% Router ID in HELLO packet = %p7% Source address in HELLO packet = %p8%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 String
p2 String
p3 DecByteArray
p4 String
p5 VarFmtByteArray
p6 DecByteArray
p7 DecByteArray
p8 VarFmtByteArray